Wednesday 28 March 2012

my heart is definitely in it

Well, with only a week to go until we depart to complete this exotic amble across the countryside, I have discovered a problem. I have to have an Echocardiogram with a cardiologist due to having an enlarged left ventricle. Now this could be down to a congenital heart issue á la Muamba (which is the concern of the Doctors who are now paranoid) or it could be due to the fact that running 80 miles a week carrying 30 kilos of weight gives you a more muscular heart. I guess I will find out this afternoon.

that being said, thraining is going well. I've upped the weight, am still running and have bought the trainers I will actually be wearing and am running them in. It all seems to be coming together really.

There is only one additional concern now and that's nerves. I am starting to get very nervous and I can never be fit enough. It is dawning on me that no matter how fit you are, this will never be 'easy' (which frankly I consider to be a premier betrayal of my body).

It has become of prime concern to me that weight to mass ratio si of primary importance. How much food do you take? Food weighs and you need a certain amount but too much and you can't carry it all. it's a very delicate balance between gels, food and drink additives. Three packs of food for each day plus two gels per day and some drink tablets. heavy but bearable. Who knew there was complex strategy behind running?????

Thursday 15 March 2012


Mind you, I still haven't had the testicular fortitude to try the freexe dried food yet.

Three weeks Today

So it is a mere three weeks until the event. I have never said the phrase 'three weeks to go' and have it create such bowel trembling anxiety. I now literally cannot get fit enough for the event. The good news is that for the first time, I am running with the actual pack I will be using for the race and frankly, Good Lord, it's heavy. My calves are now burning from 4 days of lunchtime running and that is only just over a third of the daly distance. the good news though is that it is not really exhausting me and I could definitely continue for a much greater distance and I have to reming myself that after each stage, I can literally collapse and sleep (something that work takes a distinct objection to normally). I am actually starting to get really excited about the entire event too and now am starting to think not so much in terms of the event itself but in how I will be able to remain fit afterwards with nothing to train for. I guess I will have to do another one (or maybe not, let's see how it goes)

Wednesday 29 February 2012

Back to enjoying it

Well, this is all getting very serious now. I am back to enjoying the running after my Bronchitis and frankly, the weather has been great for jogging along the thames. I even got to see the olympic rings as they floated along the thames yesterday. I am sure, a cost well spent. I also ordered my entire kit list from Likeys. I wam going to be the absolute epitome of 'all the gear, no idea' as I jog through the atlas mountains. Contributions are still trickling in and there are still events planned to raise further funds on behalf of my chosen charity. I am even (although not hugely) looking foward to trying these dehydrated meals and seeing how they taste cold (I'm not carrying cooking gear around the course). I jsut have this horrible feeling that now I have all of this kit, I will have to put it to good use and do another of these events. Maybe not the same one again but something tougher (not sure what that is but we shall try and find something) I was also gratified to meet a lot of my fellow competitors last night in the pub (1 drink each before water lol) and find out that actually, I am one of the only people not carrying injuries and my distances are extremely comparable - thanks for organising Sally. Things are definitely looking up!!!

Friday 24 February 2012

6 weeks left

So, just under 6 weeks to go until we fly out to Morocco and frankly, training is not going well. Having been struck down witha stinking cold last week, I am still fighting to get over the resultant Bronchitis that decided to attach itself to my lungs. Frankly, running at the moment feels like I have a pair of inefficient bellows strapped to my chest albeit, the sight of someone running along the thames repeatedly coughing their guts up as they go has given many of the London tourists plenty of amusement. I must look and sound like a terminal nicotine addict at the moment. However, positives. I am only a week away from a break skiing which will enable me to get some high altitude training (as, I intend to take my running kit with me and use it to the full) and then back to some really long distance runs. On a separate note, I decided to order my kit from Likeys (a company who I cannot recommend highly enough) and it came to a grand total of £500. Not an enormous amount in the grand scheme of things but certainly enough to sting. However, next time I climb snowdon I will be seriously kitted out and will make all those amateurs climbing it in trainers look very foolish indeed

Thursday 9 February 2012

I don't know if I have any regular followers and, honestly, I think it's unlikely. But just in case I do, here's an apology. I'm sorry it's been over a week since my last post. Frankly, I've been a bit under the weather which has seriously hampered my training schedule. However, I'm now back in the saddle (of shanks pony) and did my first run in a week. 2 observations:- 1) it's really not getting any warmer and 2) a week is a long time and boy can you feel it. However, it felt really good to be pounding the streets once more. One observation though. It's now February and back at the beginning of jan you could hardly get down the Thames path at lunchtime due to the number of joggers presumably trying to work off the guilty excesses of Christmas. That seems like a long time ago now though as frankly, the oath is now almost deserted apart from those really determined runners like myself or those who run with a certain amount if talent (usually sporting a vest with a town name and animal such as the tonbridge harriers or the Kent greyhounds denoting their ongoing dedication to a running club). These men and women may be faster, fitter, younger or even better equipped but I know that I trump them in one key area. I've got better taste in music.

Wednesday 1 February 2012

The Polar Express

Now that the temperature has taken a slight turn for the colder, I really feel that I should invest in some thermal underwear. When your favourite appendage goes absent-without-leave two days in a row, it probably means that you need to take steps. noting the inclement weather and how that is the polar (every pun intended) opposite to the conditions in the Sahara, I can't help but ask what is the biggest strength sapper, the cold or the hot. I know that the hot weather (I've been watching the James Cracknell DVD - Thanks Martin) takes your strength away very quickly and saps the strength to the muscles. However, having just run in what felt like two degrees above absolute zero, I also felt the same effect of heavy legs and a difficulty in running. Qinetic, please supply an answer!!!!

Thursday 26 January 2012

charity begins at the office

This might be tempting fate but I am becoming more and more amazed that I am not pulling any muscles in my weekday runs thrugh London. this is more amazing as one of the girls in the office managed to pull her shoulder muscle lifting my backpack to get into a drawer. This might be a sign it's a bit full. and heavy. I am now starting to estimate its weight at around 20 kilos. Now, I am not saying that to show off (well maybe a little) and yes, I appreciate that Marine yomps normally have around 50 kilos or whatever it is on their backs as they head along Brecon, however, I am starting to get concerned that as soon as I put my not inconsiderable 95 kiilos onto the sand with that weight, I am going to sink up to my neck á la Beau Peep. Anyhow, going back to my thanks for people who have contributed, I was left with a dilemma today. One of my colleagues has suggested that he will sponsor me when I return. I would be fine with this if it wasn't for the reason he gave and I quote 'If you die half way around, you won't have finished it and therefore my sponsorship would have been wasted'. For his benefit, I would like to point out a c few things. 1) I am definitely not going to die 2) I would consider any contribution to Mencap a good use of money and 3) if i did die, I would be concerned that my coleague's first thought was that I hadn't finished it. So, here is my final thought today. If you are prepared and intelligent, there is nothing a man cannot do. So as I fall into the former, I give my self a 50:50 chance. Also, please check Farnborough News for my article this week.

Tuesday 24 January 2012

a big thank you

One more thing.

I want to say a big thank you toeveryone who has contributed to my cause and apperciates the effort that I have put in. Thanks to your generosity, I have now raised £6,000 (more if you include the tax) and this is wonderful. I am very, very touched by the contributions and even more so by the efforts of others to raise money on my behalf, especially my Father. Thanks Dad x

MDS training

It's now starting to dawn on me that the running of the Marathon Des Sables (MDS) is only the start. There is still more fund raising to do and even setting up a blog (something that a luddite like me has never done before) so that I can inform anyone interested in my training progress and my concerns about the race. As a bit of background to anyone who has never heard of it, the Marathon Des Sables is a 153 mile race across the Sahara desert over 6 days. If that wasn't enough, the organisers also make you carry all of your food and water, plus any other items you need to take with you (clothes for example). It was this list that really awakened me to the stupidity of the journey. One of the compulsory items is a venom pump!!!! I have never had the desire to be anywhere that this might be required. Nice hotel rooms tend not to be overun with bitey, stingey or generally crawley things but never mind. I am now around 60% of my charitable target of £10,000 with 10 weeks left to go before the race. Time is now getting tight and my training schedule is ramping up with every other activity. If you see a sweaty individual running along the Thames path at around 12.30 every day wearing a grey backpack that looks extremely heavy, please say hi, wave or at least give me a small look of sympathy. If I can say Hi back I will but that probably means that I haven't been running hard enough as I normally can't run and talk all at the same time. On the positive side, I had to pose for one of the photographers of the local Farnborough paper on Saturday. Now, I accept my limitations and a fashion model, I am not and will never be. Especially when it's freezing cold, I'm wearing very small shorts and holding a rucksack full of books to simulate the weight whilst running. Still, look out for me in the next edition, it will be amusing to say the least.......