Thursday 9 February 2012

I don't know if I have any regular followers and, honestly, I think it's unlikely. But just in case I do, here's an apology. I'm sorry it's been over a week since my last post. Frankly, I've been a bit under the weather which has seriously hampered my training schedule. However, I'm now back in the saddle (of shanks pony) and did my first run in a week. 2 observations:- 1) it's really not getting any warmer and 2) a week is a long time and boy can you feel it. However, it felt really good to be pounding the streets once more. One observation though. It's now February and back at the beginning of jan you could hardly get down the Thames path at lunchtime due to the number of joggers presumably trying to work off the guilty excesses of Christmas. That seems like a long time ago now though as frankly, the oath is now almost deserted apart from those really determined runners like myself or those who run with a certain amount if talent (usually sporting a vest with a town name and animal such as the tonbridge harriers or the Kent greyhounds denoting their ongoing dedication to a running club). These men and women may be faster, fitter, younger or even better equipped but I know that I trump them in one key area. I've got better taste in music.

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